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  • Rebekah Hill

Before You Travel Legal CheckList

Family taking selfie in front of the arch de triumph

Traveling can expose you to incredible experiences that enrich your life. But travel also comes with an element of risk. To make sure you’re traveling with all of your legal ducks in a row, complete the following Pre-Travel Checklist:

  1. Will or Trust - Your will or trust needs to be completed and fully executed. An email telling your nephew that you want him to have all of your assets or the like is just setting up your loved ones for a long Probate Court battle.

  2. Durable Power of Attorney - Who can make financial decisions for you when you’re unable to make them for yourself? An up to date Durable Power of Attorney designates this person. It’s crucial for taking care of your assets when your unable or missing.

  3. Medical Power of Attorney - Who can make medical decisions for you when you’re unable to make them for yourself? Your Medical Power of Attorney ensures that the right person is steering your care.

  4. Health Privacy Authorization - To make informed decisions the people you trust need access to your protected medical information. Make sure the people in your Medical Durable Power of Attorney are also named in your Health Privacy Authorization.

  5. Guardian Designation - you might not be thinking about who is going to care for your kids if something happens to you, but it’s an important decision that needs to be made. Uncertainty leads to disagreements.

  6. Proof of Parental Rights - traveling to other countries, it’s crucial that you have documentation that they children traveling with you are yours or are authorized to travel with you by their parents. This is especially important in blended families and those families that do not have similar outward appearances.

  7. Advanced Healthcare Directive - make the important decisions in your future healthcare plan, so your loved ones and medical personnel are informed of your wishes.  

  8. Beneficiary Designations - Beneficiary designations should be updated after any transition in your life, such as a divorce or changing jobs. If any changes in your life have happened since the last time you made updates, then put it on your to do list.

  9. Social and Financial Account Information - Your financial and social login information should be in the hands of a trusted person that knows how you’d like your accounts handled.

  10. Friend in the Know - A trusted  friend or loved one who is not traveling with you should have your itinerary and know when you’re going to check in with them. If you miss a check in then they know where you’re supposed to be. 

Getting this list finished can take some time and coordination. Get started with enough time to compete everything before your trip. Our Office can help you with completing your checklist efficiently to meet your travel deadline. Call or email to make an appointment.

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